Yule Chapter 18

Övningen är skapad 2017-09-27 av Bertil18. Antal frågor: 19.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

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  • A uniform/medel variety of a language. Used in school, media. Has been regularised and will permit minimal variation Standard language
  • this have less prestige, may be stigmatised. Non-standardforms
  • The aspects of an individuals's pronunciation that identifies them as being from a particular region Accent
  • Apart from the way you pronunciate words, you change grammar and used non-Standardilized words dialect
  • The study of dialects Dialectology
  • The boundary between two areas with varying use of one linguistic item related to pronunciation, grammar and vocalisation Isoglosses
  • A line representing a set of isoglosses, used to seperate on dialect area from another Dialect boundary
  • The gradual merging of one regional variety of a language inro another Dialect continuum
  • A situation where there is a "high" or special variety of a language used in fromal situations and a low variety used locally and informally Diaglossia
  • members of a social group with a specific kind of language used among them (ex. skaters) Speech community
  • An individuals way of speaking idiolect
  • A linguistic feature that marks the speaker as a member of a partucular social group Social marker
  • When you change the way you speak to differnt people Style-shifting
  • Swishing speech style to a higher style Overt perstige
  • Swiching speech style to a lower style Covert prestige
  • Modifying speech style toward or awat from the preceived style of tje person being talked to Speech accommodation
  • Adopting a speech style Convergence
  • adopting a speech style that emphasizes social distace by using forms that are different from those used by the person being talked to, as a form of speech Divergence
  • A way of speaking associated with a specific context(How you speak in a church, how doctors speak...) Register

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