Words of the day test 2

Övningen är skapad 2018-03-13 av Aurora98. Antal frågor: 56.

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  • substantial a large amount
  • endurance the ability to continue doing something physically difficult or unpleasant
  • venture a new business or activity or a risky undertaking
  • species Plant or animal group whose members all have similar general features and are able to produce youngs
  • perish to die(disappear), usually because of illness or something that happenS suddenly
  • compelling interesting or exciting enough to keep your attention
  • savagery behaviour that is cruel and violent
  • triumphant showing that you are very pleased or excited by a victory or success
  • ominous making you think something bad will happen
  • menacing intended to threaten of frighten someone
  • sublime extremely good or beautiful
  • awe a feeling of great respect and admiration often combined with fear
  • to ratchet something up to increase something over a period of time
  • preverted abnormal (in a bad way)
  • sacrilegious not showing respect for a holy place, object or idea
  • solitary tending to spend a lot of time alone (lonely)
  • malaise a general feeling of being worried, unhappy or not saticfied
  • decay to be gradually destroyed as a result of a natural process of change
  • protagonist a main character in a play, film, book or story (usually the good guy)
  • antagonist an opponent for example in a competition or fight ( usually the bad guy)
  • to dwell to spend a lot of time thinking or talking about something unpleasant
  • paradoxical strange because of being the opposit of what you expected
  • surge a sudden increase in something such as price, value or interest
  • squalor dirty and unpleasant conditions (Poverty)
  • veneer a thin layer of wood or plastic that covers something made of a cheao material to impove it's appearance
  • to usher in to make an activity or process begin
  • prudish very easily shocked or embarrassed by anything related to sex (shy, reserved)
  • skimpy less than necessary, or less than you would like
  • to erode to gradually reduce the strenght or importance of something
  • chaste decent, modest
  • to recuperate to get better after being ill or injured
  • deviance behavious that most people do not consider normal or morally correct
  • sodomite someone who practises sodomy a person having anal intercourse
  • promiscous consisting of a lot of different things, having many sexual partners
  • out of wedlock born outside marriage
  • eerily mysteriously and fearfully
  • tresses long locks or curls of hair
  • subculture is a group within society that resists the way of the dominat/mainstream culture
  • dichotomy separation of two entirely different things
  • to assign to give (been assign = been given)
  • to embrace accept wholeheartedly
  • underdog person in a weak position, not likely to win a competition
  • appreciation enjoyment, understanding, thankful for
  • to gnash Grind, bite together when angry
  • vicariously experienced through the actions of the other person
  • aloof disengaged
  • turf area, territory
  • chomp the bite something several times in a noisy way
  • latent present but not visible, hidden
  • abjection degrading (yourself)
  • to concede to admit that something is true
  • poignant giving you feelings of sadness
  • obscurity unimportant, a state of which a person or thing is not well known or not remembered
  • vicissitudes changes and unexpected difficulties, ups and downs ( the vicissitudes of life)
  • to sap to drain, weaken
  • liminal in-between (between childhood and adulthood)

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