Words and explanations - Holly Hobbie Season 1

Övningen är skapad 2023-11-07 av Augusti2022. Antal frågor: 41.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • attorney / lawyer someone who can help you when you are in trouble with the law
  • shopping mall a place where you can buy clothes, eat food and hang out with your friends
  • baseball apopular sport in America where you hit a ball with a bat
  • discrimination when somebody is treated unfairly or differently
  • upset when you feel sad or angry
  • donate money when you give money to people in need
  • superficial you only care about what somebody looks like
  • open mic night an organized event where anybody can be on stage and perform
  • "I'm not a quitter" what you would say when you refuse to give up
  • cheerleading a sport where you do acrobatics and support a team
  • apologize when you say you are sorry
  • sabotage when you destroy something on purpose
  • cucumber a long green vegetable
  • mayor the leader of a town or a city
  • bull a male cow
  • super villain the bad/evil person in a movie or book
  • rumours things people say which might not be true
  • grow apart you have known each other for a long time but start to like different things
  • stubborn when you never give up
  • audience a lot of people watching a show
  • invites you send these out when you want people to come to your party
  • celebrate you do this at birthdays, Christmas and other traditions
  • best day ever this is probably how you feel when it is your birthday
  • ribbon you put this around a birthday presebt after you've wrapped it
  • sleep over when you have a party and your friends stay the night
  • stage where artists stand when they perform
  • barn a house on a farm where animals live
  • spin the bottle a game you can play at parties
  • cancelling you tell someone you can not come to their party
  • home alone when you're on your own in your house
  • cup cakes a type of pastry
  • mural a wall that you can paint and design the way you want
  • volunteer somebody that works for free with something
  • soulmate it could be a friend or someone you are in love with that you feel like you are suppose to be with for a long time
  • brave when you do thngs you are scared of
  • amazing someone or something that is really good / fantastic
  • proposal when you ask someone to marry you
  • support when you are there for somebody and help them
  • prank it's like a joke; you lie to and trick somebody to be funny
  • proud you feel this when you have done something that was very difficult from the beginning
  • regret you did something and after you changed your mind and wish you could have it undone

Alla Inga

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