Word formation

Övningen är skapad 2019-03-05 av Fnaskozaurus. Antal frågor: 12.

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  • Coinage The invention of a new word
  • Eponym Words from names or places
  • Borrowing Taking words from other languages
  • Calque/Loan translation Direct translation of elements in a frase to another language
  • Compounding Joining two separate words together
  • Blending Combinations of parts of two separate forms
  • Clipping To shorten a word to only one syllable
  • Hypocorism A word is reduced to a single syllable and -ie or -y is added
  • Backformation A noun (usually) is reduced to form another word class
  • Conversion A word becomes a member of a new word class without any reduction
  • Acronym Using the initial letters from words in a phrase
  • Derivation Adding affixes to create new words

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