Word exercise the Catcher in the Rye

Övningen är skapad 2023-11-21 av Ninnigirl. Antal frågor: 22.

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Alla Inga

  • to give someone the eye exchange looks
  • boisterous lively, active
  • staggering around walking unsteady
  • to dunk soak, dip in liquid
  • feeling blue to feel sad
  • witty bright, amusing, brilliant
  • halitosis having bad breath
  • make a racket causing a loud sound
  • a loafer avoids work
  • a cripple someone who is limited
  • feeling grippy feeling as if being sick
  • plastered being very drunk
  • windbreaker a wind-resistant jacket
  • to ostracize excluding from a group
  • snotty having a superior attitude
  • fraternity frienship/support in group
  • chewing the fat talking for a while
  • to digress temporary talk unrelated
  • stenographer a job writing shorthand
  • to holler to shout loudly
  • reciprocal balanced, tidy, symmetrical
  • recess period suspended for a time

Alla Inga

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