
Övningen är skapad 2018-11-22 av systrarnaE. Antal frågor: 53.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • circle area sphere
  • appear emerge
  • someone who is disrespectful blasphemer
  • publisched reguarly
  • turbulence, chaos, confusion turmoil
  • inside core
  • cut out or banned censorship
  • wanting ending of slavory abolitionist
  • personal ideas in practical experience empiricist
  • frame can be flown in air kite
  • help contribute
  • successfully profitably
  • openly explicitly
  • restrain when it comes to giving in to one´s desires temperance
  • labour industry
  • central, major crucial
  • make fun of ridicule
  • try hard strive
  • flaw defect
  • speak for advocate
  • amusing and clever wilty
  • impressive imposing
  • increase boost
  • grow successfully flourish
  • basen on farming argicultural
  • a book of texts by diffrent writers anthology
  • clear understanding enlightenment
  • ability to think reason
  • based on experience empinical
  • trying to find out more about exploration
  • trust faith
  • invent coin
  • insignifiance obscurity
  • lack of knowledge ignorance
  • extremely important crucial
  • basic idea foundation
  • veiw of perception
  • come from derive from
  • develop foster
  • flat piece used for writing on slafe
  • influence impact
  • cutting off their head decapitate
  • worldy, not religious secular
  • bound for hell dammed
  • inferior subordinate
  • conseal disguise
  • success prosperity
  • trade commerse
  • buy or trade with merchandise
  • onvloving the system of rules constitutional
  • not religious atheist
  • not allowed excluded from
  • concern, involve applicable to

Alla Inga

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