week3 Entco

Övningen är skapad 2022-04-25 av AxelGernandt. Antal frågor: 31.

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Alla Inga

  • Comedy viewers preferences Lightheartedness, state of stress, escapism
  • Mood management Use of entertainment serves the regulation of positive mood states
  • Slapstick Comedy with emphasis on physical jokes where actions cross limits of physically desirable behavior
  • Romcom Based on misconceptions, independent women match the male counterpart with witty banter etc
  • Surprise Misleading audience by means of a sudden unexpected concept
  • Irony Saying one thing, meaning something else or the opposite
  • Clownish humor Weird limb movements or demonstrating exaggerated physical behavior
  • Satire Bringing attention/criticising social problems by means of humor
  • Misunderstanding Misinterpreting a situation
  • Parody Imitation with intention of commenting or ridiculing the original work with caricatures
  • Scatological humor Vulgar humor crossing line for sake of making people laugh/cringe
  • Inconcruity theory Humor perceived the moment one realizes there's incongruity between concept and object. Nonsense, absurdity and surprise
  • Superiority theory Laughing at others misfortunes because we feel superiority over victims shortcomings
  • Relief theory Laughter resulting from release of nervous energy, to reveal repressed desires and to overcome sociocultural inhibitions. Sexual, aggressive
  • Cultural incongruence Globalized films
  • Sitcom Situation Comedy - Most common, successful and culturally significant type of TV
  • Laughing track Cue, social contagion of smiling and laughing increase enjoyment
  • People more inclined to enjoy horror Adolescent males, sensation seekers, lower empathy
  • Negatively valence events Greater impact on individual than positively
  • Suspense Audience members acute, fearful apprehension about deplorable events that threaten the protagonists
  • Creating suspense Uncertainty, anticipation, temporal aspects
  • Predation Fear of what kills you
  • Contagion Psychological immune system - prone to prejudice
  • Violations of person category Fear of almost human monsters
  • Excitation transfer theory Residual physiological arousal misattributed to subsequent stimuli
  • Snuggle theory Male students enjoy horror more if female partner show distress
  • Drama Fiction with serious undertones, characters try to work through emotional problems
  • Tragedy Form of drama based on human suffering and sorrowful events that befall protagonist
  • Social comparison Seeing misery of others lead us to think about how good our own lives are - enhancing self worth
  • Sad music Sad lyrics can trigger memories that listener associate with sadness such as themes of regret and loss
  • Sad music attributes Lower pitch range, slower tempo etc

Alla Inga

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