Övningen är skapad 2022-02-10 av leab0011. Antal frågor: 22.

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  • He felt it was up to the politicians to outlaw abhorrent practice. (motbjudande)
  • Agatha was attired in an elaborate evening gown. (klädd)
  • He had been crying and his face was all blotchy .(fläckig)
  • Jon was deliberately ignoring them. (medvetet)
  • Work is under way to excavate the ancient city. (gräva upp)
  • A famine had begun to rage. (svält)
  • The faucet was handy for watering the plants. (kran)
  • The teacher bursts into a loud guffaw . (gapskratt)
  • The information is inadequate , not to say misleading. (otillräcklig)
  • She talked about the novel incessantly . (oavbrutet)
  • She has gone on a jaunt into town. (utflykt)
  • The idea was so romantically ludicrous that she giggled. (löjlig)
  • The soldiers were in a pitiable state. (ynklig)
  • She did not enjoy the pungent smell of onions. (skarp/frän)
  • Some say the language of wine writers is too pretentious . (pretentiös)
  • Finally, after 1900 they again became prosperous producers. (välmående)
  • The dark sky was radiant with silver light. (strålande)
  • To reciprocate is not in his nature. (återgälda)
  • I felt like a real schmuck , of course. (klantskalle)
  • Eeyore is somewhat a sombre character. (dyster)
  • With a touch of vanity he expressed how he felt. (fåfänga)
  • In the vicinity there are several fine mansions. (i närheten)

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