Vertebra in general

Övningen är skapad 2020-09-14 av FridaB. Antal frågor: 18.

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  • spine-neck (7 vertebrae) pars cervicalis
  • spine - upper back (12 vertebrae) pars thoracica
  • spine - lower back (5 vertebrae) pars lumbalis
  • spine - connected to hip bone (5 vertebrae) pars sacralis, os sacrum
  • spine - lowest part towards the tail bone (3-4 vertebrae) pars coccygea, os coccygis
  • vertebral body corpus vertebrae
  • vertebral arch arcus vertebrae
  • vertebral opening foramen vertebrale
  • vertebral canal canalis vertebralis
  • upper vertebral notch incisura vertebralis superior
  • lower vertebral notch incisura vertebralis inferior
  • intervertebral opening(between two vertebras) foramen intervertebrale
  • upper articular process processus articularis superior, zygapophysis superior
  • upper articular surface facies articularis superior
  • lower articular process processus articularis inferior, zygapophysis inferior
  • lower articular surface facies articularis inferior
  • process at the sides of the vertebral body processus transversus
  • process behind the vertebral body processus spinosus

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