Verbs in different tenses + modals

Övningen är skapad 2025-02-13 av carwin. Antal frågor: 50.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • I had never been that mad before. (varit)
  • Tim has fallen head over heals for Anna. (fallit)
  • The ashes from the volcano spread across Iceland. (spred sig)
  • I can't get this stupid wallpaper to stick to the wall. (fastna)
  • I remember when we sat on a beach in Thailand and watched the sunset. (satt)
  • No one knows when the burglar will strike again. (slå till)
  • We had to stand in line for hours to get tickets for the concert. (stå)
  • The donated money will make a big difference for the people of Tahiti. (göra)
  • Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein when she was just seventeen years old. (skrev)
  • Tim apologized so I forgave him. (förlät)
  • He has already forgotten what he said a minute ago. (glömt)
  • Laura has finally become a surgeon. (blivit)
  • I have thought about you today. (tänkt)
  • Have you bought a new phone? (köpt)
  • Tom has learnt to speak Spanish. (lärt sig)
  • The doctors will hopefully find a cure for AIDS in the future. (hitta)
  • My favourite author has written a new book. (skrivit)
  • My mom threw away my favourite sweater. (slängde)
  • I need to buy a new jacket. Jag behöver köpa en ny jacka.
  • Do you know when they bought that car? Vet du när de köpte den där bilen?
  • Can you light the fire? Kan du tända elden?
  • He has hurt me before. Han har sårat mig förut.
  • She doesn't have a blue car. Hon har inte en blå bil.
  • Where have you been? Var har du varit?
  • The boys have grown since last summer. Pojkarna har växt sedan förra sommaren.
  • We had caught a big fish. Vi hade fångat en stor fisk.
  • Blåste du ut ljusen? Did you blow out the candles?
  • Jane's mother asked her not to wear the black skirt. Janes mamma bad henne att inte ha/ta på sig den svarta kjolen.
  • Dad should (borde) go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse.
  • When I visited my grandparents as a child they would (brukade) always take me to the circus.
  • Will (kan) you be kind enough to lend me your car.
  • We had the day off yesterday so we could (kunde) do what ever we wanted.
  • Who could have sent these flowers? They must (måste) have cost a fortune.
  • I don't know where my sister is at the moment. She might (skulle kunna) be at her dance class.
  • I can (kan) help you with that if you want.
  • You have passed all your tests. You should (borde) be very pleased with yourself.
  • Today she is spending time with her grandmother. Idag tillbringar hon tid med sin mormor.
  • They usually go to the gym on Sundays. De går vanligtvis till gymmet på söndagar.
  • Jim is wearing a new jacket today. Jim har på sig en ny jacka idag.
  • I think my parents are watching TV in the living room. Jag tror att mina föräldrar tittar på TV i vardagsrummet.
  • Their cousin, whose parents live in Canada, has just bought a new car. Deras kusin, vars föräldrar bor i Kanada, har just köpt en bil.
  • While we were discussing the problem, someone suggested an interesting solution. Medan vi diskuterade problemet, föreslog någon en intressant lösning.
  • We couldn't decide whose idea was the best. Vi kunde inte bestämma oss för vems idé som var bäst.
  • My sister's dog usually sleeps on the sofa. Min systers hund brukar sova på soffan.
  • Her brothers have already packed their bags because they are travelling early tomorrow. Hennes bröder har redan packat sina väskor eftersom de reser tidigt i morgon.
  • Shall we meet at the station at three o'clock? Ska vi träffas vid stationen klockan tre?
  • You may borrow my book, but you must be careful with it. Du får låna min bok, men du måste vara försiktig med den.
  • He might not have seen your message yet. Han kanske inte har sett ditt meddelande än.
  • If I were you, I would not trust him. Om jag vore du, skulle jag inte lita på honom.
  • We should leave now if we want to be on time for John's party. Vi bör gå nu om vi vill komma i tid till Johns fest.

Alla Inga

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