ENG05: Verbs 81-90

Övningen är skapad 2019-09-13 av Jakob2000. Antal frågor: 30.

Välj frågor (30)

Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • dies He usually ___ before me when we play together in Fortnite. (dö)
  • die They usually ___ before me when we play together in Fortnite. (dö)
  • died He ___ before me when we played Fortnite last night. (dö)
  • sends Lisa ___ presents to her friends when they have birthdays. (skicka)
  • send We ___ presents to our friends when they have birthdays. (skicka)
  • sent He ___ a present to his wife last week. (skicka)
  • expects Dave ___ to see lions when he goes on safari. (förvänta)
  • expect Many tourists ___ to see lions when they go on safari. (förvänta)
  • expected Dave ___ to see a lot of lions but he didn't. (förvänta)
  • builds He ___ some amazing towers with his food when he eats. (bygga)
  • build Our kids ___ some amazing towers with their food when they eat. (bygga)
  • built I ___ some amazing towers with my food when I was younger. (bygga)
  • bends John ___ his hockey sticks to see how much flex they have. (böja)
  • bend They ___ their hockey sticks to see how much flex they have. (böja)
  • bent John ___ his hockey stick to see how much flex it had. (böja)
  • bites Our mad dog ___ everything it sees. (bita)
  • bite Our mad dogs ___ everything they see. (bita)
  • bit Our mad dog ___ my friend in the leg yesterday. (bita)
  • buys He ___ everything he wants. (köpa)
  • buy They ___ everything they want. (köpa)
  • bought Howard ___ all the cars in the shop and gave them to his friends. (köpa)
  • leaves She ___ the house every time I come to visit. (lämna)
  • leave They ___ the house every time I come to visit. (lämna)
  • left She ___ the house when I came to visit. (lämna)
  • pays My boss ___ me very well because he likes me. (betala)
  • pay My bosses ___ me very well because they like me. (betala)
  • paid He ___ me to look after his dog so now I have some money. (betala)
  • tears My teacher ___ up my essays if they aren't good enough. (riva)
  • tear My parents ___ up my grade reports if they aren't good enough. (riva)
  • tore I ___ up the picture of my ex after she dumped me. (riva)

Alla Inga

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