ENG05: Verbs 21-30

Övningen är skapad 2019-09-13 av Jakob2000. Antal frågor: 30.

Välj frågor (30)

Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • works He ___ hard when he wants to. (arbeta)
  • work They ___ hard when they want to. (arbeta)
  • worked He ___ hard yesterday. (arbeta)
  • calls He ___ me every time I leave the house. (ringa/anropa)
  • call My parents ___ me every time I leave the house. (ringa/anropa)
  • called She ___ me five times last night. (ringa/anropa)
  • tries Terry ___ to help me whenever she can. (försöka)
  • try My friends ___ to help me whenever they can. (försöka)
  • tried My parents ___ to help me, but it was too late. (försöka)
  • asks Amelie ___ me whenever she needs help. (fråga)
  • ask They ___ me whenever they need help. (fråga)
  • asked Amelie ___ me for help last night. (fråga)
  • needs The new guy ___ lots of help, so stay by him. (behöva)
  • need The puppies ___ lots of help, so stay by them. (behöva)
  • needed She ___ a lot of help last week. (behöva)
  • feels Jenny often ___ ill when she has her period. (känna sig)
  • feel They often ___ sad when they lose their games. (känna sig)
  • felt They ___ sad, but it didn't last long. (känna sig)
  • puts He ___ a new t-shirt on whenever he gets sweaty. (placera/lägga/ta på sig)
  • put They ___ make-up on when they get tired. (placera/lägga/ta på sig)
  • put She ___ a lot of make-up on last night. (placera/lägga/ta på sig)
  • means Gillian ___ a lot to Karl - he loves her so much. (betyda)
  • mean They ___ a lot to Karl - he loves them so much. (betyda)
  • meant She ___ a lot to him, so he got sad when she left. (betyda)
  • keeps He ___ all his old skateboards when they break. (behålla)
  • keep They ___ all their old skateboards when they brake. (behålla)
  • kept He ___ all his old skateboards when they broke. (behålla)
  • lets He ___ me wait in his car when we're early. (tillåta)
  • let They ___ me wait in their car when we're early. (tillåta)
  • let He ___ me wait in his car when it was raining. (tillåta)

Alla Inga

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