Vart i hjärnan och lite till

Övningen är skapad 2020-11-11 av singmeout9. Antal frågor: 29.

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Alla Inga

  • Dorsal Towards back(uppe)
  • Ventral Toward belly (nere)
  • Rostral Toward nose
  • Anterior Infront/Framåt i hjärnan
  • Posterior Near the end/Bakåt i hjärnan
  • Ipsilateral On the same side/Samma sida
  • Contralateral On the opposite side
  • Bilateral Both sides/En på varje sida
  • Autonomic nervous system consists of.. Parasympathetic, sympathetic
  • Meninges Skyddande lager (tre stycken) på CNS
  • Cerebrospinal fluid Skyddar ryggraden
  • Somatosensoriska neuroner From body receptors into spinal cord
  • Grey matter Contains numerous cell bodies and relatively few myelinated axons
  • White matter Contains relatively few cell bodies and is composed chiefly of long-range myelinated axons.
  • Tract Large connection of axons from a nucleus
  • Nerves Pathways that enter and leave CNS
  • Nucleus inner center where proteins are stored/copied
  • Action potential Breif but extremely large flip in the polarity of an axon’s membrane
  • Caudal Toward tail/spinal cord
  • Superior Above
  • Inferior Below
  • Medial Towards the middle
  • Lateral Away from the middle
  • Axial Horisontal Plane
  • Coronal Vertical from the side
  • Sagittal Slits the two hemispheres
  • The cerebral cortex Its the cerebrum outermost tissue, it is like frosting on a cake. It has 4 gross divisions, The frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes.It plays a key role in attention, perception, awareness, thought, memory, language, and consciousness.
  • Parasympathetic system Activation of X slows heart rate, stimulates digestion, and in general helps the body with functions germane to maintaining itself (rest and digest).
  • The sympathetic system activation of x increases heart rate, diverts blood from the digestive tract to the somatic musculature, and prepares the body for action (fight or flight) by stimulating the adrenal glands to release adrenaline.

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