Uniparental disomy

Övningen är skapad 2024-04-07 av feliciajonsssson. Antal frågor: 7.

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  • uniparental disomy is when both members of a chromosome pair are inherited from ... ..., -> the other parent´s chromosome for that pair is ... present one parent, not
  • uniparental disomy can happen due to 2 processes, name these processes trisomy rescue, monosomy rescue
  • Trisomy rescue is when one of the parents have .. chromosomes instead of .. chromosome in their gamete -> when this gamete fuses with a normal gamete, we will end up with .. chromosomes and trisomy rescue will occur, meaning .. chromosome will be ... -> if the chromosome from the normal gamete is ... we will get ... ... 2, 1, 3, 1, deleted, deleted, uniparental disomy
  • in trisomy rescue the risk of getting uniparental disomy is ../.. beacause delition will happen to .. chromosome and during trisomy rescue we have .. chromosomes in total and .. of them is from one perent and .. of them (normal) is from the other parent 1/3, 1, 3, 2, 1
  • Monosomy rescue is when one parent has a gamete which is normal with .. chromosome BUT the other parent has a gamete with .. chromosome -> what happens is that the single chromosome will ... itself -> meaning the zygot will only get chromosomes from one parent = ... ... 1, 0, copy, uniparental disomy
  • In some cases, unipolar disomy may have no apparent phenotypic effects, especially if the duplicated chromosome is normal: TRUE/FALSE true
  • which 2 syndromes can be caused by unipolar disomy angelman syndrome, prader willi syndrome

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