"Titanic" och "First World War" frågor

Övningen är skapad 2019-05-24 av agata. Antal frågor: 15.

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  • What made the Titanic an extraordinary ship at the time? It was unsinkable. The biggest passenger ship at the time.
  • What city was her final destination when she left the harbour of Southampton in April 1912? New York
  • What was the reason for the ship to take in water? She hit an iceberg. A fire the machine room.
  • Approximatley how many people died when she sank? 1500 people.
  • What was the Carpathia? The ship that saved the survivors.
  • Could the catastophe have been avoided? If yes: How? More life boats, lower speed, lamps in the front, binoculars.
  • What happened in Sarajevo in the summer of 1914 which started the first world war? The prince of Austria - Hungary and his wife were shot by a Serbian nationalist.
  • What countries were allied with germany? Austria-Hungary, Turkey
  • What countries were fighting against Germany and ist allies? France, Russia, Great Britain.
  • How can you describe the common feeling among the soldiers when going out at the war? Excitment, filled with pride, a big adventure.
  • To what country were the British soldiers sent to fight in Gallipoli? Turkey.
  • What the word TRENCH mean? Skyttegrav.
  • Why is the battle of Passchiendale such an important event during the Frist World War? One of the biggest and most horrendous battles during the whole war.
  • Where was the peace treaty signed in 1919? Versailles in France.
  • What country was blamed for the first world war? Germany.

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