Till provet. Kapitel 3+4

Övningen är skapad 2017-10-16 av Bertil18. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • The generall study of speech sounds Phonetics
  • The study how speech sounds are made/articulated Articularlory phonetics
  • Vocal folds drawn together. Air, from lungs, repeatedly pushes them apart as it passes through Voiced sounds
  • Vocal folds spread apart, the air passes between them unimpered Voiceless sounds
  • Bilabial, labiodental.... Place of articulation
  • Stop, fricative.... Manner of articulation
  • [?] Vocal folds are closed completely, then released Glottal stop
  • Are produced with relatively free flow of air. Vowels
  • Are mostly articulated via closure or obstruction in the vocal tract. Restricting the airflow Consonants
  • A sound formed by combining two vowel sounds(Boy) Diphthongs
  • The study of systems and patterns of speech sounds in languages Phonology
  • The smallest meaning-distingushing sound unit in the abstract representation of the sound of language Phoneme
  • Two or more words that are identical in form, except for a contrast in one phonome in the same position in each word (bad, mad) Minimal Pairs
  • Minimal set Vowel phonemes
  • Must contain a vowel or vowel-like sound (onset, nucleus, coda) Syllable
  • Permitted arrangements of sounds(ish=tillåtet...fgd=inte tillåtet) Phonotactics
  • A feature of one sound becomespart of another during speech production. One segment is taken or copied by the other Assimilation
  • Bra ord att kunna: segment del
  • The process of leaving out a sound segment in the pronounciation of a word Elision
  • There is no one-to-one correspondence between....what? word class membership and syntactic function(s)

Alla Inga

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