Third Time Questions 3A

Övningen är skapad 2009-09-29 av Klempt. Antal frågor: 28.

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  • Who founded today's Cape Town? The Dutch
  • When did the Dutch found Cape Town? In 1652
  • Where did the Dutch come from in Europe? The Netherlands
  • Why did the ships stop in Cape Town? The ships stopped so the crews could get food and fresh water.
  • What did the Dutch that moved to South Africa work with? They were farmers.
  • What other country occupied the Cape at the end of the 18th century? Great Britain
  • What kind of people were shipped in from Britain? Farmers
  • What did the Dutch settlers call themselves? The Boers
  • What two things did the British do? They abolished slavery and declared English to be the official language.
  • Where did the Dutch move when the British occupied the Cape? They moved inlands and up north.
  • What are the names of the two republics the Boers created? The Orange Free State and the Transval
  • What were discovered during the second half of the 19th century? Diamond and gold fields were discovered.
  • When did the Boer War break out? In 1899
  • How many years did the Boer War last? It lasted for three years.
  • When was the Union of South Africa formed? In 1910
  • Why did the Boer War start? Both the British and the Boers wanted their share of the gold and the diamonds.
  • What does ANC stand for? The African National Congress
  • Who formed the ANC? The blacks
  • What was apartheid? Black and white people were treated differently.
  • Give examples of apartheid. No mixed marriages, no mixed schools, the blacks couldn't own land and they always had to show their identity card.
  • Who was the leader of the ANC? Nelson Mandela
  • What happened in Sharpville? In the riots in 1960 69 blacks were killed.
  • When was the ban on the ANC lifted? In 1990
  • After how many years in prison was Mandela released? 28 years
  • What year was Nelson Mandela elected President? In 1994
  • What was so special about the election in 1994? It was the first election where blacks were allowed to vote.
  • Who was F.W. de Klerk? He was the President who lifted the ban on the ANC and released Nelson Mandela.
  • Which two centuries stand out as a very dark period in South African history? The 1960s and 70s.

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