The unpredictable future

Övningen är skapad 2025-01-28 av LinnAxelsson. Antal frågor: 28.

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Alla Inga

  • as it were in a way, so to speak
  • rationalism the belif in reason and logic
  • preceding previous
  • reason the ability to think and make wise decisions
  • empiricism the belief that ideas should be based on practical experience and experiments
  • horrendous terrible
  • social progress the improving of society
  • setting place
  • filthy very dirty
  • fulfilment feeling of happiness and satisfaction
  • spititually beliefs connected with human spirit
  • dogma blind/unquestioning faith in a certain (set of) principle
  • exotic foreign
  • give rise to cause something to happen
  • burgeoning growing, flourishing
  • renowned famous
  • elope go away secretly to get married
  • pamphlet very thin book, brochure
  • antique extremely old
  • vast very large
  • trunkless without a torso
  • visage facial expression
  • frown irritation, concentration
  • sneer facial expression showing disrespect
  • stamped on imprinted on
  • mock make fun of, tease
  • wreck something badly damaged or destroyed
  • boundless without an end

Alla Inga

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