The science of psychology (Kap 7)

Övningen är skapad 2020-10-20 av jossan103. Antal frågor: 40.

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  • learning process by which experience produces a relatively enduring and adaptive change in an organisms capacity for behaviour
  • habituation a decrease in the strenght of response to a repeated stimulus
  • sensitization an increase in the strenght of response to a repeated stimulus. Like habituation, sensitization is also classified as a simple learning mechanism as it occurs in response to only a single stimulus
  • classical condition an organism learns to associate two stimuli such that one stimulus comes to elicit a response that was originally elicited only by the other stimulus
  • unconditioned stimulus (UCS) a stimulus that elicits a reflexive or innate response (the UCR) without prior learning
  • unconditioned response (UCR) a reflexive or innate response that is elicited by a stimulus (the UCS) without prior learning
  • conditioned stimulus (CS) a stimulus that, through association with a UCS, comes to elicit a conditioned response similar to the original UCR
  • conditioned response (CR) a response elicit by a conditioned stimulus
  • extinction a process in which the CS is presented repeatedly in the absence of the UCS, causing the CR to weaken and eventually dissapear
  • spontanoues recovery reappearance of a previously extinguished CR after a rest period and without new learning traits
  • stimulus generalization stimuli similar to the initial CS elicit to CR
  • discrimination when a CR occurs to one stimulus but not to others
  • higher-order conditioning a neutral stimulus becomes a CS after being paired with an already established CS
  • exposure therapies a patient is exposed to a stimulus (CS) that arouses an anxiety response (such as fear) without the precense of the UCS, allowing exctinction to occur
  • aversion therapy attempts to condition an aversion (a repulsion) to a stimulus that triggers unwanted behaviour by pairing it with a noxious UCS
  • anticipatory nausea and vomiting (ANV) become nauseated and may vomit anywhere from minutes to hours before treatment session
  • law of effect in a given situation, a response followed by a satisfying consequence will become more likely to occur and a response followed by an annoying consequence will become less likely to occur
  • operant conditiong a type of learning in which behaviour is influnced by the concequences that follow it
  • skinner box a special chamber used to study operant conditioning experimentally
  • reinforcement is when a response is strengthened by an outcome that follows it
  • punishment occurs when a response is weakend by outcomes that follow it
  • discrimitative stimulus signal that a particular response will now produce certain consequences
  • positive reinforcement occurs when a response is strenghtened by the subsequent presentation of a stimulus
  • primary reinforcers stimuli, such as food and water, that an organism naturally finds reinforcing becuase they satisfy biological needs
  • secondary (conditioned) reinforcers stimuli that aquire reinforcin properties through their association with primary reinforcers
  • negative reinforcement a response is strenghtened by the subsequent removal (or avoidance) of an aversive stimulus
  • opreant extinction the weakening and eventual disappearance of a response bacause it is no longer reinforced
  • aversive punishment, positive punishment, punishment by application a response is weakened by the subsequent presentation of a stimulus (also called positive punishment or punishment by application)
  • response cost, negative punishment, punishmnet by removal response is weakened by the subsequent removal of a stimulus
  • operant generalization an operant response occurs to a new antecedent stimulus or situation that is similar to the original one
  • operant discrimination an operant response will occur to one antecedent stimulus but not to another
  • stimulus control a behaviour that is influenced by disctriminative stimuli
  • continuous reinforcement every response of a particular type is reinforced
  • partial (intermittent) reinforcement only a portion of the response of a particular type is reinforced
  • two-factor theory of avoidance learning both classical and operant conditioning are involved in avoidance learning
  • cognitive map a mental respresentation of the spatial layout
  • latent learning learning that occurs but is not demonstrated until later, where there is an incentive to perform
  • observational learning learning that occurs by observing the behaviour of a model
  • social-cognitive theory, social-learning theory emphasizes that people learn by observing the behaviour of models and aquiring the belief that they can produce behaviours to influence events in their lives
  • self-efficacy people´s belief that they have the capability to perform behaviours that will produce a desired outcome

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