The science of psychology (Kap 5)

Övningen är skapad 2020-10-20 av jossan103. Antal frågor: 24.

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  • sensation the stimulus detection process by which our sense organs respond to and translte environtal stimuli into nerve impulses that are sent to the brain
  • perception making ´sense´ of what our senses tell us; it is the active process of organizing this stimulus input and giving it meaning
  • psychophysics studies the relationship between physical characteristics of stimuli and sensory capabilities
  • absolute threshold the lowest intensity at which a stimulus can be detected 50% of the time
  • decision criterion a standard of how certain someone must be that a stimulus is present before they will say they can detect it
  • signal detection theory concerned with the factors that influence sensory judgements
  • difference threshold defined as the smallest difference between two stimuli that people can perceive 50 % of the time
  • webers law states that the difference threshold is directly proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus with which the comparison is being made
  • sensory adaptation the dimishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus
  • sensory transduction the process whereby the characteristics of a stimulus are converted into nerve impulses
  • dark adaptation the progressive improvement in brightness sensitivity that occurs over time under conditons of low illumitation
  • gustation sense of taste
  • olfaction sense of smell
  • taste buds small bodies containing taste receptor cells concentrated along the tip, edges and back surface of the tounge
  • bottom-up processing individual elements of a stimulus are analysed and then combined to form a unified perception
  • top-down processing sensory information is interpreted in light of existing knowlegde, concepts, ideas and expectations
  • figure-ground relations our tendency to organize stimuli into a central or foreground figure and a background
  • gestalt laws of perceptual organization similarity, proximity, closure and continuity
  • perceptual schema a mental representation or image containing the critical and distinctive features of a person, object, event or other perceptual phenomenon
  • perceptual constancies allow us to recognice familiar stimuli under varying condition
  • binocular disparaty each eye sees a slightly different image
  • convergence produced by feedback from the muscles that turn your eyes inwards to view a close objects
  • stroboscopic movement illusory movement produced when a light is briefly flashed in darkness and then, a few milliseconds later, another light is flashed nearby
  • critical periods during which certain kinds of experiences must occur if perceptual abilities and the brain mechanism that underlie them are to develop normally

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