The science of psychology (Kap 16)

Övningen är skapad 2020-10-04 av jossan103. Antal frågor: 9.

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  • biopsychological model of health and illness assumes that biological, psychological and environmental (social) factors all work together in dertermining our health and well-being
  • health psychology addresses the biological, psychological and social factors that influence health and well-being, as well as measures that can be taken into promote health and prevent illness
  • health intervention an act performed for, with or on behalf of a person or a population, whose purpose is to assess, improve, maintain, promote or modify health, functioning or health conditions
  • stressors demanding or threatening situations
  • stress a pattern of cognitive appraisal, physiological responses and behavioural tendencies that occur in response to a percieved imbalance between situational demands and the resources needed to cope with them
  • stress response a response that has cognitive, physiological and behavoural components
  • primary appraisal interpreting the situation as either benign, neutral/irrelevent or threatening in terms of its demands and its significance for your well-being
  • secondary appraisal appraising your perceived ability to cope with the situation, that is, the resources you have to deal with it
  • general adaptation syndrome (GAS) a physiological response pattern to strong and prolonged stressors

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