The science of psychology (Kap 13)

Övningen är skapad 2020-10-07 av jossan103. Antal frågor: 22.

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  • emotional regulation the process by which we evaluate and modify our emotional reactions
  • social referencing the process by which infants or children use the (emotional) responses of another person to guide their actions
  • temperament a biologically based general style of reacting emotionally and behaviourallu to the environment
  • psychosocial stages each stage involves a different ´crisis´ (i.e., conflict) over how we view ourselves in relation to other people and the world
  • imprinting a sudden, biologically primed form of attachment
  • attachment the strong emotional bond that develops between children and their primary caregivers
  • stranger anxiety distressover contact with unfamiliar people
  • separation anxiety distress over being separated from a primary caregiver
  • strange situation a standardized procedure for examining infant attachment
  • still face paradigm an infant is presented with a situation in which their parent looks at them without moving their face
  • authoritative parents controlling but warm
  • authoritarian parents exert control but do so within a cold, unresponsive or rejecting relationship
  • indulgent parents have warm, caring relationships with their children but do not provide the guidance and discipline that help children learn responsibility and concern for others
  • neglectful parents provide neither warmt nor rules nor guidance
  • gender identity a sense of ´femaleness´ or ´maleness´ that becomes a central aspect of one´s personal identity
  • gender constancy the understanding that being male or female is a permanent part of a person
  • gender typing treating others differently based on whether they are female or male
  • pre-conventional moral reasoning a form of moral reasoning in which children´s moral judgements on behaviours relate to anticipated punishments or rewards
  • conventional moral reasoning a form of moral reasoning in which children´s moral judgements are based on whether people are conforming to social expectations, laws and duties
  • post-conventional moral reasoning a sophisticated form of moral reasoning in which children or adults make judgements based on well-thought-out, carefully reasoned, general moral principles
  • adolesence the period of development and gradual transition between childhood and adulthood
  • puberty a period of rapid maturation in which the person becomes capable of sexual reproduction

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