The Science of language 1

Övningen är skapad 2019-05-15 av Aleexandra30. Antal frågor: 14.

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Alla Inga

  • Phonetics Characteristics of speech sounds
  • Phonology Systems and patterns of speech sounds in languages
  • Etymology Origin and history of words
  • Morphology Structure of words
  • Syntax Structure of phrases and sentences
  • Semantics Meaning of words, phrases, sentences
  • Pragmatics Meaning in context
  • Discourse analysis Language beyond the sentence, in text and conversation
  • Neurolinguistics Relationship between language and the brain
  • First language acquisition Process of acquiring the L1
  • Second language acquisition Process of acquiring the L2
  • Historical linguistics Language history and change
  • Linguistic geography Language variation based on where language is used
  • Sociolinguistics Relationship between language and society

Alla Inga

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