The Realm of Gaming

Övningen är skapad 2024-04-08 av Aliciabettermyr. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • escapism seeking entertainment or other pleasant experiences to forget about uninteresting/unpleasant aspects of life
  • graphic detailed, explicit (usually in a negative way)
  • upside advantage
  • scholar an academic who knows a lot about a particular subject
  • constitute be; make up, amount to
  • misconception misunderstanding
  • fallacy false belief
  • ominous making you think something bad will happen
  • ambient existing/present all around you
  • feature contain, include
  • serene peaceful, calm
  • oblivious not aware of or concerned about
  • imply suggest something without saying it directly
  • entail mean, involve
  • unexpectedness surprise, the fact of not being expected
  • colloquially in everyday language
  • ambiguity something that is unclear because it has different meanings
  • rousing exciting, stimulating
  • quest mission, aim; long difficult search
  • repress hold back, keep down

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