The Plagiarist

Övningen är skapad 2022-03-29 av Calleo. Antal frågor: 27.

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  • to appreciate to recognize the full worth of (a person, a situation, a thing)
  • The real deal something or someone that is real or genuine
  • decline become smaller, fewer, or less; decrease (or) politely refuse (an invitation or offer).
  • to confirm att bekräfta
  • littered (with) A place, document, or other object that has or contains a lot of another thing:
  • infantile childish
  • mundane (adjective) lacking interest or excitement; Boring.
  • rubbish very bad; worthless or useless.
  • to eclipse to make another person or thing seem much less important, good, or famous:
  • flop If a book, play, film, etc. flops, it is not successful
  • to dwell on to think or talk about (something) for a long time
  • failure the fact of someone or something not succeeding
  • achievement something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing
  • devastated very shocked and upset
  • to adjust to become more familiar with a new situation
  • payment an amount of money paid
  • a gent A gentleman
  • to conclude To sum up and finish a speech, meeting, or piece of writing
  • fatally A fatal illness, accident, etc. causes death
  • fatality a death caused by an accident or by violence
  • injury damage to the body
  • speechless unable to speak because you are so angry, shocked, surprised, etc
  • moving causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy
  • amateurish (adjective) having no skill, or showing no skill
  • vibrant (adjective) energetic, exciting, and full of enthusiasm
  • recognition people show admiration and respect for your achievements
  • pushy trying too hard to persuade someone to do something

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