The african girl

Övningen är skapad 2022-01-18 av 03lilu. Antal frågor: 30.

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Alla Inga

  • detention keeping someone in a police station
  • fickle always changing your mind about what you like
  • disguise oneself (as) modify one's appearance
  • shed lose/drop something in a natural way by accident
  • turnstile narrow gate with metal bars that you push round to enter an area
  • dodge avoid with a quick movement
  • make it snappy do it quickly
  • disobey not do what you are told
  • fuzzy tightly curled
  • heir someone who will receive money, property, a title or a duty when another person dies
  • stain spot, mark
  • plain not attractive
  • repatriate send someone back to their home country
  • railing fence made from metal bars
  • garment item of clothing
  • enchanted magical
  • pale whitish, not strong in colour
  • tinned BrE preserved in a can
  • wing additional part of a building
  • ravenous very hungry
  • decline (to) refuse, decide not to
  • rummage search for something among a lot of other things
  • giddy dizzy, lightheaded
  • breed type, sort
  • captivity imprisonment, confinement
  • threadbare worn and shabby
  • implore beg, plead with
  • possessions belongings, things you own
  • see-through transparent
  • defy refuse to obey, rebel against

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