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Övningen är skapad 2018-10-14 av tmthchlmt. Antal frågor: 21.

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  • What were Popper's reasoned arguments in favour of a democratic system? Society's problems are complex and always changing, so need a diversity of opinion and a wide range of solutions eg. proportional election system: thereshold of 4% to be elected to parlament which results in smaller parties represented in parlament eg lagistation, freedom of speech, freedom of association.
  • Neoliberalism: Reduce gov. Intervention in the economy
  • Liberalism 2. Individual
  • Liberalism 3. Reduction, gradual change reforms classical liberalism: focuses on security progressive liberalism (moden lib.): state also intervene in the economy eg welfare state.
  • Conservatism 1. resistance to change Pessimistic, unreliable, unpredictable, human imperfections, humans desire order and belonging in society.
  • Conservatism 2. resistance to change "father of conservatism, Edmund burke, experience from french revolution made him a leader resistence against radical change.
  • Conservatism 3. resistance to change Family, community (church), nation (monarchy)
  • Conservatism 4. resistance to change Strong state to maintain laws and order -one nation conservatism (UK), People unequal, therefore strong should take care of the weak, people need guidence by authority. In USA, Bush "compassionate conservatism". -"The new right": in 1980's, Reagan (US), Thatcher (UK), reduce state inference in economy eg. lower taxes, making public sectors privatired, deregulation, still focus on strong leadership, dicipline and security.
  • Conservatism 5. resistance to change Gradually, in accordance with tradition and values that has passed the test of time
  • Socialism 1. Humans are social beings, focus on cooperation with each other wants to pursue the goal of a better society for all, done collectively. People are products of envoiroment. Everyone can develop talents and capabilities with the "right" environment.
  • socialism 2. Takes place due to conflicts between classes eg. Marx and conflict proletariat and capitalists. Social democracy focus on lows, middle, high income groups.
  • socialism 3. 19:th cent. focus on industrial worker. community as a whole, strive for social equality.
  • socialism 4. Very strong in planned economy (communism. No private sector (abolish private property) everything state owned. Mixed economies with relatively large public sectors.
  • Socialism 5. (answer with "a), b)" ) a) revolution b) election & legislation (domocratic tactics) Democtratic socialists. Social democrats.
  • Election systems: (two types) Majority and proportional. Majority system don’t ensure that the election result reflect number of votes cast for each party, proportional system do.
  • 3 types of majority system: Common characteristics, single member constituency, votes for candidate rather than party.
  • 1 simple plurality system: (3st eg.) Candidate that get the most votes win a seat in the parliament (majority of vote not needed) eg. president election in USA, every state is on constituency. California -55 college votes, candidate with most votes in california gets all 55 electoral votes. eg. Britain for house of common, 338 seats, so divide britain in 338 single-member constituencies, often result in 2 big parties eg the greens could win 15% of votes for whole country, but not get a single seat in parliament.
  • 2. Absolute minority-alternative vote: Uses ballot paper. voters rank candidates in order of preference. If no one has majority the candidate with least amount of votes is out of the race. Ballot papers with least votes as first ranked are collected and the second candidate prefered gets the vote. This continues until one candidate has majority
  • 3. Absolute majority-second ballot: Eg. French presidential election list, round all candidates in the race, if no candidate gets more than 50% of votes all candidates get eliminated except the two with the most votes. Then second round of ballot, when voters are only able to choose one of the two remaining candidates Pro: Ensures a majority gov. Con: Can affect legitimacy of chosen candidate if voter turn-out for second ballot is low.
  • List system: Voters choose on party list provided by the parties with already ranked candidates. In riksdagen 349 seats, 310 allocated first then 39 seats are used to correct the number of seats. Every party missed out on due to voting result of not ended up in a whole number. Pro: High legitimacy when all votes count since result reflect populations choices. Ensures high voter turn-out. Con: more difficult to form a gov. Often minority or coalition gov.
  • Proportional election system: Vote for party rather than candidate. Multi-member constituencies-meaning, depending on population size, every constituency get a number of seat in parliament. Malmö as a multi-member constituency gets 11 seats in Swe-parliament (riksdag)

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