Tee shirt

Övningen är skapad 2019-01-30 av Mercuryman. Antal frågor: 35.

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Alla Inga

  • mainstream ‘normal’, accepted by most people
  • centrepiece main attraction/part
  • raucous loud and unpleasant
  • certitude certainty, confidence
  • clarity clearness
  • ruthless cruel, without regard for others
  • stymie prevent, stop
  • mill type of factory
  • lump together Put into the same group
  • backlash strong reaction to a change
  • survey look at
  • carnage massacre, destruction
  • ragtag untidy, unorganized
  • obstructionist person who intentionally stops or slows an official process
  • squarely directly
  • salvation rescue, being saved
  • oppressed held/kept down (by a higher power)
  • survey investigation; investigate
  • virtually almost
  • sound bite short, interesting quote
  • stall delay
  • downturn reduction in (economic) activity
  • revival reopening, restart
  • gruel simple food made of grain and water or milk
  • unionize become a member of a trade union
  • sharecropper farmer who rents land and gives part of his or her crop as rent
  • maze labyrinth
  • embedded fixed, a set part
  • mechanization using machines instead of doing things by hand
  • shred bit, small piece
  • assume take on, accept
  • symbiotic close and mutually beneficial
  • virtuous circle a continual process of good actions producing good results
  • prospect possibility
  • interlocking firmly joined together

Alla Inga

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