SV/A - general verbs

Övningen är skapad 2020-02-24 av leab0011. Antal frågor: 25.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • (sitter/står) A can of lima beans sits on the shelf.
  • (var) The women who went to the meeting were bored.
  • (har) The girls have talked to me.
  • (har) The girl has been talking to me.
  • (går ut med/promenerar) Maria walks her dog every day.
  • (försöker) The students try hard in class.
  • (bakar) He always bakes a cake for my birthday.
  • (springer) She runs to school when she is late.
  • (jobbar) Our parents work at the same place.
  • (jagar) The dog chases the cat.
  • (jagar) The dogs chase the cat.
  • (går) The dogs walk down the street.
  • (gå ut med/promenera) Could you walk the dog on Tuesday?
  • (går) The students walk down the street.
  • (skrattar) The boy laughs .
  • (skrattar) They laugh .
  • (ler) They smile at me.
  • (ler) She smiles at him.
  • (var) Tom, Candice and I were offering our help.
  • (är) Either my shoes or your coat is always on the floor.
  • (lever/bor) The man with all the birds lives on my street.
  • (var) There were fifteen candies in that bag.
  • (bemöter/hälsar på) The Prime Minister, together with his wife, greets the press cordially.
  • (vill) The players, as well as the captain, want to win.
  • (tar) The movie, including all the previews, takes about two hours to watch.

Alla Inga

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