Subject-verb agreement

Övningen är skapad 2023-05-02 av MariaLiMariaLi. Antal frågor: 23.

Välj frågor (23)

Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • No Country for Old Men is a violent film. (is/are)
  • All the people I meet look just the same. (looks/look)
  • Both you and I were going abroad. (was/were)
  • Lots of people are afraid of spiders. (is/are)
  • Neither of us was in love. (was/were)
  • My classmates are very nice. (is/are)
  • Your classmates were very nice. (was/were)
  • Their classmate is very nice. (is/are)
  • Our classmate was very nice. (was/were)
  • You know what my thoughts are on the subject. (is/are)
  • Each person I meet looks at me as if I'm crazy. (looks/look)
  • Lots of us think you did the right thing. (thinks/think)
  • Every woman tries to do what's best for her family in that kind of situation. (tries/try)
  • Either of these bikes is a good option. (is/are)
  • Some of us are trying to solve this problem. (is/are)
  • My older sisters have now repaired the heating in the house. (My older sister/My older sisters)
  • She always tells me to think twice. (She/They)
  • These jeans are on sale for €40. (is/are)
  • Herds of animals travel across the plains of Tanzania each season. (travels/travel)
  • Athletics is a good sport for young people to take up. (is/are)
  • The teacher was happy because everyone was on time for the class meeting. (was/were)
  • My teachers always tell me that I have to do my homework. (tells/tell)
  • All the cars are driving really quickly. (is driving/are driving)

Alla Inga

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