Storytelling unit words

Övningen är skapad 2020-09-27 av sminchiola. Antal frågor: 37.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

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  • cooperation working together with somebody else to achieve something
  • to dominate to be more powerful or important or noticeable than others
  • power a country with a lot of influence in world affairs or that has great military strength
  • to respond to say or do something as an answer or reaction to something
  • revolutionary producing great changes, very new and different
  • value the importance of something
  • astonished very surprised
  • awful very bad or unpleasant
  • bizarre very strange
  • exhausted very tired
  • huge very big
  • ridiculous very silly or unreasonable
  • tiny very small
  • attraction a quality that makes something seem interesting and enjoyable and worth having or doing
  • basement a room in a building that is below ground level
  • cemetery an area of ground where dead people are put under the earth
  • to consider to think about something carefully before making a decision
  • miracle a wonderful event that seems impossible and that is believed to be caused by a god
  • to raise to look after a child or an animal until they are an adult
  • truly really, completely
  • to beam to smile happily
  • to chuckle to laugh quietly
  • to curl up to pull your arms and legs and head close to your body
  • to gaze to look steadily for a long time
  • to glance to look quickly at somebody or something
  • to grin to give a wide smile
  • to recline to sit or lie back in a relaxed and comfortable way
  • impact a powerful effect that something has
  • dilemma a situation in which someone has to make a difficult choice
  • conflict a disagreement or argument
  • magical amazing and exciting
  • to edit to make changes to writing so it is ready to be published
  • setting the place and time at which a story is represented as happening
  • narrator a character who recounts the events of a story
  • edition a particular form or version of a published text
  • audience the readership of a book
  • plot the main events of a story

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