Solid Gold 2 - Outlook on the US

Övningen är skapad 2024-12-05 av Temporart. Antal frågor: 213.

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Alla Inga

  • ignite tända
  • disorderly conduct störande beteende
  • conviction fällande dom
  • dingy sjabbig, mörk
  • erectly rakryggat
  • sensible förnuftig
  • obituary minnesruna
  • fortitude mod, styrka
  • bold djärv
  • glowering blängande
  • humility ödmjukhet
  • small in stature liten till växten
  • presence närvaro
  • trudge traska, släpa sig fram
  • carpool samåka
  • mere blott, bara
  • stately ståtlig
  • galvanize sporra
  • implicit underförstådd
  • courageous modig
  • paradox motsägelse
  • assumption antagande
  • give credit to sätta tro till
  • hold a rally hålla ett massmöte
  • oppression förtryck
  • piercing stickande
  • pew kyrkbänk
  • amidst mitt bland
  • trample trampa
  • Jim Crow symbol för rassegregation i USA i samband med lagstiftning
  • apply to gälla
  • liberty frihet
  • make me ride tvinga mig åka
  • sorrow bedrövelse, sorg
  • color bar rasdiskriminering
  • simply helt enkelt
  • bone He's got a _ to pick with you!
  • off his head ‘Joseph must be /_/! Fancy turning down a free trip around the world!'
  • wool I'm too smart for you. You can't pull the /_/ over my eyes.
  • nose on your face Of course they're in love. It's as plain as the /_/.
  • close We almost had an accident today. It was a /_/ shave.
  • make ends meet University students don't have a lot of money, so they often find it hard to /_/.
  • a soft spot I've always had /_/ for Irish accents. It's probably because my grandfather came from Ireland.
  • old rope ‘I got paid £150 for helping out at the pub last weekend. All I had to do was collect the glasses. Honestly, Barry, It was money for /_/.'
  • dead horse You're flogging a /_/ trying to persuade James to come with us.
  • heart I had my /_/ in my mouth watching the man crossing the Niagara Falls on a tightrope
  • put my foot down My 15-year-old daughter wanted to go on holiday with her friends, but I soon /_/ and made her come on holiday with us instead.
  • means My brother has always been careful with money and has never lived beyond his /_/.
  • leg It can't possible be true! No way! You're just pulling my /_/!'
  • hair ‘Hurry up or we'll miss the last bus home!' ‘All right! All right! Keep your /_/ on! I'm coming!'
  • a mountain Honestly, darling, I don't know what all the fuss is about. If you ask me, they're making /_/ out of a molehill!'
  • cake The English test was really easy. It was a piece of /_/.
  • swing a cat I wouldn't like to live in John's flat. There's no room to /_/!
  • to the dogs Harry's really gone /_/ since he lost his job and his wife left him.
  • cat ‘It's supposed to be a secret, so make sure you don't let the /_/ out of the bag.'
  • a song The owner was going abroad and wanted a quick sale, so I got his car for /_/. I only paid £1, 500 for it.
  • socks ‘Unless you pull your /_/ up Harry, you're going to fail your exams next summer, ' the teacher told him.
  • blew his top The headmaster /_/ when he found three pupils hiding in the toilets when they should have been doing a French test.
  • hot cakes His new book is selling like /_/. At this rate we'll have sold out of them by the end of the week.
  • rage Do you like my chicken-bone earrings? They're all the /_/ in London at the moment.
  • stick ‘That's not what I meant at all! As usual, Paula, you've got hold of the wrong end of the /_/!'
  • cold shoulder I said hello to Carol, but for some reason she gave me the /_/.
  • a bee Paul never wears a hat. He's got /_/ in his bonnet about hats causing baldness.
  • the sack My father lost his job last week. There were fifteen people altogether who got /_/.
  • a chip For some reason he has /_/ on his shoulder about not having gone to university.
  • on hot bricks ‘What's the matter with you, Pam? You're like a cat /_/.' 'Yes, I know. I'm waiting for test results.'
  • foot ‘Trust you to put your /_/ in it. How could you serve steak and chips when you knew she was a vegetarian?'
  • nose If you want a flat in the centre of Stockholm, then you have to pay through the /_/ for it.
  • thin He's going bald. He's a bit /_/ on top.
  • flash in the pan I don't think their success will last. They're just a /_/.
  • up the garden path He deceived us. He led us /_/.
  • back of her hand Brenda was born and brought up in Liverpool and knows it like the /_/.
  • hit the roof My father /_/ when I told him that I'd lost the car keys. I don't think I've ever seen him so angry before.
  • tea in China I would never leave Britain – not for all the /_/.
  • fingers ‘I'm trying my driving test tomorrow, so keep your /_/ crossed for me.'
  • handle ‘Don't tease her. She'll only fly off the /_/.'
  • weather She was feeling a bit under the /_/, so her mother kept her home from school.
  • teacup I know the press are making a big fuss now, but it's probably just a storm in a /_/.
  • a bear with a sore head He's in a very bad mood today. He's like /_/.
  • catch It always seems to be very difficult to /_/ the waiter's eye when you're in a hurry and want to pay the bill.
  • feather When I heard that Margaret had married Gary Day you could have knocked me down with a /_/!
  • strings My uncle had to really pull /_/ to get me a summer job at the local hospital.
  • teeth He caught the last bus home by the skin of his /_/. Another minute, and he'd have missed it.
  • blowing my own trumpet ‘I hope you don't think I'm _/_/ when I say that I'm a very good voice and really ought to be in the school choir.'
  • the top of my head I never prepare speeches. I prefer speaking off /_/.
  • pigs might fly ‘I'm going to be a famous film director one day.' 'Yes, and _____!'
  • collar My father got a bit hot under the /_/ trying to explain the facts of life to me and my brother.
  • tight-fisted He never buys his nephews or nieces birthday presents – he's really /_/.
  • bag ‘Of course the deal will go through. Don't worry. It's in the /_/.'
  • street She should take that job in publishing. It sounds just up her /_/.
  • beating ‘I do wish you'd come to the point, James instead of /_/ about the bush all the time!'
  • torch fackla
  • banner fana
  • ignorance okunnighet
  • smother tysta ned
  • despair förtvivlan
  • impel driva
  • whip piska
  • track spår
  • strife kamp
  • bar stänga av, spärra av, hinder, spärr
  • labor arbeta
  • seed frö
  • playwright pjäsförfattare
  • blessing lycka, glädje
  • yield lämna ifrån sig
  • hail from vara från
  • vast oerhört stort
  • brainteaser nöt att knäcka (tankenöt)
  • honoree ung. stjärnelev
  • virtue fördel
  • the choices de bästa
  • efficient ändamålsenligt
  • solar system solsystem
  • enable möjliggöra
  • aspirational ambitiös
  • high-aspiring uppåtsträvande
  • formula recept
  • blue collar arbetskläder (industriarbete)
  • orderly metodisk
  • retain hålla kvar
  • penetrate genomtränga
  • benign välgörande
  • jaded minds trötta hjärnor
  • account berättelse, redogörelse
  • jangly orolig
  • soothe lugna
  • endearing älskvärd, rar
  • prevailing rådande
  • proposition förslag
  • flat-top platt top
  • shear off klippa av
  • stand to attention stå i givakt
  • the Heimlich manoeuvre manöver för att få loss ngt som fastnat i luftstrupen
  • ray stråle
  • bleach blekmedel
  • tissue vävnad
  • combust självantända
  • bathe in bada i
  • convenient bekväm
  • purr spinna (cat)
  • nosecone-first med nosdelen först (ett jävla bindestreck i engelskan, wtf)
  • preposterous absurd, omöjlig
  • assure försäkra
  • thud dunsa
  • vanish försvinna
  • innocence oskuldsfullhet, naivitet
  • lucid normal
  • roam ströva omkring
  • dishevelled ovårdad
  • sustained ihållande
  • into the custody under uppskit, i förvar
  • instantaneous ögonblicklig
  • posthumous efter någons död
  • lavish frikostig
  • tube slang
  • anaesthetic bedövning
  • invasive angripande
  • bladder urinblåsa
  • illegible oläslig
  • wheel into rulla in
  • canvas pouch tygpåse
  • tuck into stoppa in i
  • plaque platta (även minnestavla)
  • slot öppning
  • oversee övervaka
  • glaring skarp
  • rolls of gauze rullar med gasbinda
  • in stirrups ung. i gynekologstol
  • cervix, cervical livmoderhals (kortare varianten först, sen långa)
  • dilate öppna, utvidga
  • malignant elakartad
  • right up direkt
  • consent medgivande
  • operative procedure operativt ingrepp
  • admissions desk inskrivningsdisk
  • biopsy report vävnadsanalys
  • spread like crabgrass spridas som ogräs
  • in culture i en odling
  • drill rutin
  • intensity intensitet
  • mythological mytisk
  • tedious alldaglig, tråkig
  • distress smärta, nöd
  • vein blodåder
  • chart diagram, patientjournal
  • catheter kateter (rörformat instrument)
  • hail välkomna, hylla
  • conducted by utförd av
  • eerie spöklik
  • carcinoma cancer
  • dial visare
  • mutation förändring
  • biopsy vävnadsprov
  • ward avdelning
  • marker märkpenna
  • clientele kundkrets
  • turbulent orolig, stormig
  • nostalgia längtan tillbaka
  • in my opinion enligt mig
  • tag tagga, märka
  • pioneer föregångsman
  • induct uppta, introducera
  • rare unik
  • make one's bones där man kommer ifrån
  • elaborate raffinerad
  • deem anse
  • round the way närbelägda
  • blank slate tom tavla
  • vivid levande
  • cut it for somebody passa någon
  • canvas duk
  • crude obearbetad

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