Social psykologi boken (sida 454)

Övningen är skapad 2020-12-17 av trikishash. Antal frågor: 42.

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  • compliance A form of social influence involving direct requests from one person to another
  • conditioned stimuli the stimulus that comes to stand for or signal a prior conditioned stimulus
  • contact hypothesis The view that increased contact between members of various social groups can be affective in reducing prejudice betwee them
  • conflict A process in which individuals or groups perceive that others have talen or will soon take actions incompatible with their own interests
  • conformity A type of social unfluence in which individuals change their attitudes or behaviour to adhere to existing social norms
  • consensus The extent to which other people react to some stimulus, or even in the same manner as the person we are considering
  • consistency The extent to which an individual responds to a given stimulus, or situation in the same way on different occasion (i.e, across time)
  • consummate love In Stenberg's triangular model of love, a complete and ideal love that combines intimacy, passion, and decision (commitment)
  • controlled processing A mode of social thought that is logical, systematic, and effortful
  • cooperation Behaviour in which group members work together to attein shared goals
  • correlation method A method of research in which a scientist systematically observes two or more variables to determine whether changes in one are accompanied by changes in the other
  • correspondence bias (fundamental attribution error) The tendency to explain others' actions as stemming from dispostions even in the presence of clear situational causes
  • correspondent interference A theory describing how we use others' behavior as a basis for inferring their stable dispositions
  • counterfactual thinking The tendency to imagine other outcomes in a situation than the ones that actually occured ("What might have been")
  • crowdfunding A new form of prosocial behavior in which entrepreneurs describe the products or services their new company will provide and ask people to contribute
  • cyberbullying Involves the use of communication technologies, such as e-mail, cell phones, instant messaging, and offensive personal websites, to engage in deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior that is intended to harm others
  • deadline technique A technique for increasing compliance in which targeted people are told that they have only limited time to take advantage of some offer or to obtain some item
  • debriefing Procedures at the conclusions of a research session in which participants are given full information about the nature of the research and the hypothesis or hypotheses under investigation
  • deception A technique whereby researcher withhold information about the purposes or procedures of a study from people participating in it
  • decision / commitment In Sternberg's triangular model of love, these are the cognitive processes involved in deciding that you love another person and are committed to mainatin relationships
  • deindividuation A psychological state characterized by reduced self-awareness brought on by external conditions, such as being an anonymous member of a large vrowd
  • dependent variable The variable that is measured in a experiment
  • descriptive norms Norms simply indicating what most people do in a given situation
  • diffusion of responsibility A principle suggesting that the greater the number of witness to an emergency the less likely victims are likely victims are to receive help. This is because each bystander assumes that someone else will assume responability for helping
  • discrimination Differential (usually negative) behaviours directed toward members of different social groups
  • dismissing attachment style A style characterized by high self-esteem and low interpersonal trust. This is a conflicted and somewhat insecure style in which the individualsfeels he or she deserve a close relationship, but is frustrated becauseof mistrust of potential partners. The result is the tendency to reject the other person at some point in the relationship to avoid being the one who is rejected
  • distinctiveness The extent to which an individual responds in the same manner to different stimuli or event
  • distraction conflict theory A theory suggesting that social facilitation stems from the conflict produced when individuals attempt, simultaneously, to pay attention to other people present aand to the task being performed
  • distributive justice (fairness) Refers to individuals' judgments about whether they are receiving a fair share of available rewards - a share proportionate to their contributions to the group or any social relationship
  • door-in-the-face technique A procedure for gainingcompliance in which requesters begin with a large request and then, when this is refused, retreat to a smaller one (the one they actually desired all along)
  • downward social comparison A comparison of the self to another who does less well than or is inferior to us
  • drive theories (of aggression) Theories suggestng that aggresion stems from external conditions that arouse the motive to harm or injure others. The most famous of these is the frustration-aggression hypothesis
  • driev theory of social facilitation Claims that physological arousal due to the present of other facilitate performance on well-practiced tasks
  • ego-depletion The lowered capacity to exert subsequent self-control following earlier efforts to exert self-control. Performancee decrements occur when people's ego strength has been depleted by prior efforts at self-control
  • elaboration-likelihood model (ELM) A theory suggesting that persuasion can occur in either of two distinct ways, differing in the amount of cognitive effort or elaboration the message receives
  • emotional contagion The spread of emotion from one person to another person who observes this emotion
  • empathic joy hypothesis The view that helpers respond to the needs of a victim because they want to accomplich something, and doing so is rewarding in and of itself
  • empathy Emotinal reactions that are focused on or oriented toward other people and include feelings of compassion, sympathy, and concern
  • empathy-altrusim hypothesis The suggestion that some prosocial acts are motivated solely by the desire to help someone in need
  • entrepreneur An individual who has an idea for something new - for instance, a new product or service - and takes active steps to develop this idea and turn it into reality
  • entitativity The extent to which an group is perceived as being a coherent entity
  • essence Typically some biologically based feature that is used to distinguish one group and another; frequently can serve as justification for the differential treatment of those groups

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