Short Stories A Dream of Fire ch.3

Övningen är skapad 2025-01-28 av Halaalmalki. Antal frågor: 17.

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Alla Inga

  • yell to shout something loudly
  • blare to make a very loud and unpleasant sound
  • electricity box a small box usually on the wall in which electrical connections are located
  • stairwell tall space in a building that contains the stairs
  • stumble to almost fall while you are walking
  • ankle the place where your foot joins your leg
  • exclaim to say something suddenly and loudlybecause you are surpised.
  • limp to walk with difficulty because your leg or foot hurts
  • crawl to move on your hands and knees
  • roaring sound a loud deep sound
  • frantically in a panicked way
  • security lock a special lock that is very hard to get into
  • fire axe a tool for cutting through wood or doors
  • slam to put something somewhere quickly with a loud noise
  • take forever (an experssion) to take a very long time
  • oxygen mask a special device that one puts over the nose to get more oxygen into the body
  • briefly for a short amount of time

Alla Inga

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