Shawshank part 3, en-en

Övningen är skapad 2024-05-20 av etmarite. Antal frågor: 24.

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Alla Inga

  • bright intelligent or able to learn things quickly
  • nub a small lump or end
  • abroad in or to a foreign country or countries
  • woe great distress or troubled feeling
  • obtuse not able to understand what is simple
  • deliberate done with awareness or intention
  • indulge to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something that may not be healthy or appropriate
  • pry to move, raise, or open by force
  • blind unable to see
  • vanish to suddenly and completely disappear or stop being visible
  • testimony a statement that someone gives in court that is promised to be true
  • conclusion the end or finish of an event
  • conspiracy a secret plan by a group to do something bad
  • drab not bright or interesting
  • rejoin to join together again
  • regret to feel sad or disappointed over something that was done or missed in the past
  • scam a dishonest plan especially for making money quickly in a dishonest way by lying to people
  • tornado a violent and destructive storm with powerful winds that move around a central point
  • underestimate to think that something is smaller or less important than it actually is
  • miracle a surprising and welcome event that can not be explained by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be the work of God
  • severance pay an amount paid to an employee when they leave their job
  • deprive to take something away
  • harsh unpleasantly rough
  • escape to get away from a place where you are being kept

Alla Inga

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