Shawshank part 2, en-en

Övningen är skapad 2024-05-07 av etmarite. Antal frågor: 25.

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Alla Inga

  • geologist being used to a way of behaving after spending a long time within an institution
  • hitch a temporary problem
  • arthritis painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints
  • exception a person or thing that is not a part of a general statement or does not follow a rule
  • contraband things that have been moved illegally
  • soil to make dirty by pooping or peeing in or on
  • immutable unable to be changed
  • budget a plan of income and spending for a time period
  • tax an amount of money paid to the government according to how much money someone makes and the value of their property
  • parole the early release of a prisoner who is then monitored for a period of time
  • harmonica a small rectangular musical instrument that is played with your mouth
  • figment a thing that someone believes to be real but that exists only in their mind
  • competitor someone that is trying do better than another
  • annual happening once every year
  • channel to direct toward a particular end
  • furlough a period of time when someone is allowed to leave the place where they are
  • equivalency equal in value, amount, function, or meaning
  • tenure the time that a person is in a position or office
  • crook a person who is dishonest or a criminal
  • half-assed little or no effort used in a job or activity
  • filter to pass through a device to remove unwanted material
  • sound free from mistakes or showing good judgment
  • tradeoff a balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features
  • salvation the act of saving someone from evil or sin
  • institutionalized being used to a way of behaving after spending a long time within an institution

Alla Inga

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