
Övningen är skapad 2021-05-28 av Gabbi19A. Antal frågor: 14.

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  • When was Shakespeare born? april 23 1564
  • Where was he born? Stratford-upon-Avon England
  • His plays are divided into three (or four) different categories. Which ones? histories, comedies, tragedies, tragic comedies
  • Why were the theatres closed in the 1590´s? the plague broke out
  • What are the short poems that Shakespeare wrote called? sonnets
  • Shakespeare´s writing is the second most quoted writing. What book is the most quoted in the world? the bible
  • What is the name of the theatre that Shakespeare´s company built? The Globe
  • When did Shakespeare die? april 23 1616
  • Why, according to David Tennant, is Shakespeare still widely read today? he describes how it is to be a human
  • Roughly, how many words did Shakespeare invent? 1700 words
  • Why doesn´t David Tennant think it is important to know whether Shakespeare really wrote all the plays and sonnets? all that matters is that the plays exist
  • How many plays did Shakespeare write? 37 plays
  • Name three of Shakespeare’s plays? Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Othello
  • What is the name of Shakespeare´s theatre group? The Lord Chamberlain's Men

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