
Övningen är skapad 2024-12-10 av simon02. Antal frågor: 45.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • Semantics Study of widely shared meaning
  • Referential meaning The objective meaning
  • Associative meaning The subjective/contextual meaning
  • Hyponomy Words that partly share meaning, like dog and horse-->Animal. Animal=Subordinate. Co-Hyponyms=dog, horse
  • Prototypes The typical charactetistic of a word (Robin and bird)
  • Homophones Pail/pale sale/sail
  • Homonyms More than one meaning "bat"
  • Polysemy Words with the same or related meaning "foot"
  • Agent Performs action
  • Theme Entity involved/affected by the action
  • Instrument Entity used to perform the action
  • Experience Enity experiencing something but do not perform an action, e.g has a feeling
  • Location Location of entity
  • Source where the entity moves
  • goal where the entity moves to
  • Metonomy Words with close relation, bottle/liquid inside it
  • Physical context Location where words occur
  • Lingustic context Surrounding words decide meaning
  • Deictic expression words that require context
  • person (deixis) you, me (who)
  • Spatial (deixis) (where) here, there, wherever
  • Temporal (deixis) (when) today, tomorrow
  • Reference Speaker use language to identify something
  • Inference Speaker use language to refer to something else. Nouns--> People (Calvin Klein)
  • Antecedent mentioning something for the first time
  • Anaphora reffering back to antecdent
  • Presupposition what the speaker assumes the listener already knows
  • pragmatic markers shows attitude to what's being said "you know"
  • Hedges words lessening a statement
  • Implicatures additional conveyed meaning. Can you pass me the salt
  • Gricean Maxims quantity, quality, co-operative, relation, manner
  • The quantity maxim Only be as informative as required
  • The quality maxim only say things you can back up, no lies
  • The co-operative Only contribute the appropriate amount
  • The relation Be relevant
  • The manner maxim Be clear, brief and orderly
  • Positive face and negative face positive: need to belong. Negative: Need to be independant
  • Speech acts Direct: phrases where you want to know the answer. Indirect: phrases when we say something but mean something else (it's cold in here)
  • Discourse language beyond the sentence
  • Cohesion Technical connections between the sentence
  • Coherence How ideas make sense
  • Agency pairs Words following one another (HI! Hello!)
  • Conversation repair Speaker says a problem and rephrases
  • Schema Knowledge how a specific schema is like. Like a classroom.
  • Script Things that we will except to happen. Like at the register in a supermarket

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