Second language aquisition 4

Övningen är skapad 2019-05-26 av annisss. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • positive evidence input that shows he learners what is grammatical but not what is ungrammatical
  • positive transfer language transfer that facilitates the acquisition of target-language forms
  • poverty of the stimulus the inability of input to provide the linguistic information needed for language acquisition
  • process contraints mechanisms that block learner´s ability to perform for example wh-questions with inversion
  • production-based instruction a type of form-focused instruction that aims to teach a specific linguistic feature by eliciting sentences containing it from the learner
  • psycholinguistic context the aspect of the context in which communication takes place which influence the extent to which learners are able to plan or self-correct what they say or write
  • psychological distance the distance between the learner and the target language community resulting from psychological factors such as language schock and motivation
  • restructing the process by which learners reorganize their interlanguage in the light of new evidence about the target language
  • restructing continuum this refers to the idea that interlanguage development consist of learners gradually replacing L1 rules with target-language rules
  • resultative motivation the motivation that learners develop as a result of their success in learning an L2
  • rule rules are part of grammatical competence and allow a speaker to construct entirely novel sentences
  • scaffolding the process by which learners utilize discourse to help them construct structures that lie outside their competence
  • sequence of aquisition the stages of development through which learners pass when acquiring grammatical structures such as past tense
  • silent period some L2 learners especially children undergo a lengthy period during which they do not try to speak, although they may engage in private speech
  • situational context the actual situation in which communication takes place
  • social distance the distance between the learner and the target-language community resulting from various social factors such as social dominance and enclosure
  • speech act an action perfomed by the use of an utterance in which speech or writing to communicate
  • stylistic continuum the idea that variabel interlanguage consist of a number of style ranged from careful style to vernacular style
  • system learning learning when a French noun takes la or when it takes le
  • target language the language that a learner is trying to learn

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