Second language aquisition 3

Övningen är skapad 2019-05-26 av annisss. Antal frågor: 20.

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Alla Inga

  • language aptitude the special ability that people have in varying degrees for learning an L2
  • learner language language that learners produce in speech and writing during the course of language acquisition
  • learning strategy a behaviorist or mental procedure used by learners to develop interlanguage
  • linguistic context the language that surrounds a particular grammatical feature and which may influence the particular form a learner chooses to use
  • local errors Errors that affect single elements in a sentence, errors in the use of preposition
  • markedness this refer to the general idea that some linguistic features may be more basic or natural than others
  • mentalist emphasizes the learner´s innate capacity for aquiring a language
  • mistakes derivations in usage that reflected learner´s inability to use what they actually know of the target language
  • multidimensional model It distinguishes the developmental and variational features according to whether they are government by processing constraints or socio-psychological factors
  • negative evidence/feedback information given indirectly or directly to learners that a interlanguage hypothesis is incorrect
  • negative transfer language transfer that result in errors
  • negotiation of meaning the interactive work that takes place between speakers when some misunderstandng occurs
  • noticing the process by which learners pay consious attention to linguistic features in the input
  • notice the gap the process by which learners pay consious attention to the differences between linguistic features in the input and their own output
  • omission derivation that arise when learners leave out words or partof words
  • operating principles the strategier children use during L1 aquisition to segment and analyse input and which account for properties of their output
  • overgeneralization the oversuppliance of an interlanguage feature in context in which it does not occur in target language use He ated ice-clean, overgeneralization result in errors
  • overuse the overuse of some feature where some other feature is preferred in target-language usee
  • parallel distributed processing a model of a language that views language use and aquisition as involving a complex network of interconnections between units rather than rules
  • pidginization the process by which pidgins contact languages are formed

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