Second language aquisition 2

Övningen är skapad 2019-05-26 av annisss. Antal frågor: 20.

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  • form-function mapping the identification by the learner of a particular function which can be preformed by means of particular form
  • formulas chunks of language that are stored either as complete units I don´t know or as partiellt units Can I have a
  • fossilization the processes responsible for the cessation of learning some way short of target-language competence
  • free variation the random use of two or more variants of structure
  • global errors errors that affect overall sentence structure ( word order errors )
  • implicit knowledge the L2 knowledge of which a learner is unaware and therefore cannot verbalize
  • input the samples of oral and written language a learner is exposed to while learning or using a particular L2
  • input-based instruction instruction that aims to teach learners a linguistic item systematically exposing them to it in the input rather then giving them opportunities to produce it themselves
  • input flooding a type of form-focused instruction that involves supplying learners with plentiful positive evidence of a specific linguistic feature
  • input hypothesis how learners subconsciously aquire language from input they comprehend
  • instrumental motivation the degree of effort a learner puts into an L2 as a result of the desire to achieve some functional goal, to pass an exam
  • intake that portion of the input that learners attend to and take into short-term memory
  • integrative motivation the degree of effort a learner puts into learning an L2 through an interest and desire to identify with the target-language culture
  • interaction hypothesis the name given to claim that the interactional modifications resulting from negotation of meaning facilitate acquisition
  • interlanguage refer to the systematic knowledge of an L2 that is independent of both the target language and the learner´s L1
  • interlanguage continuum interim system that a learner construction in the process of aquiring an L2
  • investment learner´s commitment of learning an L2
  • intrinsic motivation the degree of effort a learner makes to learn an L2 as a result of interest generated by a particular learning activity
  • L1 transfer the process by which the learner´s L1 influences the acquisition and use of an L2
  • Language Aquisition Device the innate language faculty responsible for L1 aquisition

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