
Övningen är skapad 2025-01-10 av modigamodi. Antal frågor: 30.

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  • dartos fascia layer a subcutaneous tissue
  • forms folds skin forms fold to provide flexibility
  • excess skin extra skin allows for erection of the penis
  • Median scrotal raphe central line of the scrotum (line alba of scrotum)
  • fat free tissue skin is free of fatty tissue to aid thermoregulation
  • thermoregulation maintains cooler temperatures for sperm production
  • Scrotum Skin sac in front of the anus and behind the penis
  • scrotal septum Divides scrotum into two chambers, each with a testis, epididymis, and spermatic cord
  • Scrotal Raphe Skin ridge from fused genital swellings
  • testis Site of sperm production
  • Epididymis Transports and stores sperm from the testis.
  • Spermatic Cord Contains vessels, nerves, and ducts connected to the testes.
  • anterior scrotal artery from external pudendal (femoral).
  • posterior scrotal artery From internal pudendal (internal iliac)
  • cremasteric artery From inferior epigastric, in spermatic cord, anastomoses with vesicular and testicular arteries
  • scrotal veins drain into the external pudendal vein
  • anterior scrotal nerves from genital branch of genitofemoral nerve and ilioinguinal nerve.
  • posterior scrotal nerves from perineal branch of pudendal nerve and posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
  • Dartos Fascia subcutaneous layer with elastic fibers, smooth muscle, and collagen; forms the scrotal septum
  • External Spermatic Fascia Derived from the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle.
  • Cremasteric Fascia Derived from the internal oblique and transversus abdominis aponeuroses.
  • Cremaster Muscle Lifts the testes, contains fibers from the internal oblique
  • Internal Spermatic Fascia derived from the fascia transversalis.
  • Tunica Vaginalis Serous layer of the scrotum, with parietal and visceral layers derived from peritoneum.
  • Tunica Albuginea fibrous capsule covering only the testes
  • Umbilical Artery Supplies bladder, becomes medial umbilical ligament.
  • Obturator Artery Supplies pelvic muscles and hip.
  • Common Trunk Gives inferior vesical, middle rectal, vaginal arteries
  • Uterine Artery Supplies uterus, branch to vas deferens
  • Internal Pudendal Artery Supplies rectum, perineum, genitalia

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