Reunion Arthur C. Clarke

Övningen är skapad 2025-01-28 av Jentha. Antal frågor: 30.

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Alla Inga

  • reunion a meeting of friends after a separation
  • approach to move towards something or someone
  • swift moving very fast
  • ancestor a member of your family a long time ago
  • colonise establish political control over an area and send your citizens to live there
  • reign a period of reigning / to reign to be king or queen, especially without holding real power
  • fair pleasant or attractive (old use)
  • evolution the scientific idea that plants and animals develop gradually from simpler to more complicated forms
  • ancient very old
  • flourish to grow well and be very healthy
  • isolated to be far away from any others
  • parent civilisation civilisation from where other civilisations have developed, or are inspired by, that has ”given birth” to other civilisations
  • creep to move in a quiet, careful way, especially to avoid attention
  • poles the most northern and southern parts on a planet
  • alter to change or to make someone or something change
  • adaptation the process by which something changes or is changed so that it can be used in a different way or in different conditions
  • repulsive disease very unpleasant illness or unhealthy condition
  • physical harm damage, injury or trouble related to the body rather than the mind or soul
  • merely disfigure to spoil the beauty that something naturally has in away that is of small importance
  • species a group of animals or plants which are all similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants of the same kind as them
  • suspicious thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest without being sure
  • jealous feeling angry or unhappy because someone has something you would like
  • discord disagreement or quarrelling between people
  • disintegrate to become weaker and less united and be gradually destroyed
  • worsen to become or make something worse
  • savagery extremely cruel and violent behaviour
  • aeon extremely long period of time
  • eternal something that goes on forever and having no end
  • remedy a way of dealing with a problem or making an unsatisfactory situation better
  • genetic plague a very infectious disease connected with the genes

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