Reparationssats Engelska, Level 3 Phrasal verbs

Övningen är skapad 2023-09-22 av Inger_S. Antal frågor: 32.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • get along komma överens, förstå varandra
  • get at kritisera, klandra
  • get through nå någon på telefonen, komma fram
  • get up gå upp, stiga upp
  • get off lämna
  • get into hamna i
  • get together träffas
  • get on komma överens, funka ihop
  • Could we get together for a meeting next week?
  • Do you want to meet for a coffee later? What time do you get off work?
  • I'm getting on really well with my sister at the moment.
  • I tried to call you but I couldn't get through .
  • As a kid, Jim was always getting into trouble.
  • He got on the wrong train and missed his flight.
  • She had a lie-in yesterday and didn't get up until eleven o'clock.
  • I've had enough! You're always getting at me, telling me I'm in the wrong!
  • turn on slå på, sätta på
  • turn off slå av, stänga av
  • turn around vända sig om
  • turn up dyka upp
  • turn out visa sig vara
  • turn to vända sig till
  • turn away somebody avvisa någon, neka någon inträde
  • turn down avvisa, neka
  • Don't forget to turn off the TV before you go to bed.
  • They turned us away at the door because we didn't have tickets.
  • My new boss turned out to be a criminal, and he was arrested last night.
  • I'm afraid we have to turn down your job application, we have hired someone else.
  • Could you turn on the radio please? I'd like to hear the news.
  • I didn't know what to do, so I turned to Peter for help.
  • I promised myself I wouldn't turn around , that I would just keep walking.
  • I had been loooking for my keys for hours when they finally turned up .

Alla Inga

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