Quiz 2

Övningen är skapad 2023-05-02 av Ellenidamaria. Antal frågor: 4.

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Alla Inga

  • Be moving the sample further away from the lens, By moving the sample closer to the lens, By moving the lens close to our eye, By moving the lens further away from our eyes Assuming that we use only 1 objective lens for imaging, how can we increase the depth of field in optical microscopy images?
  • 500X, 50X, 5X, 5000X For taking an image in an optical microscope, we use an eyepiece with the magnification of 10X and an objective lens with a magnification of 50X. What is the magnification of the image?
  • 400 nm, 650 nm, 400 um, 650 um What is the smallest wavelength we can have in visible light (determining the lateral resolution limit of optical microscopes)?
  • Wavelength & Cone angle of light accepted by the lens & Medium between the lens and specimen, Sample quality & Cone angle of light accepted by the lens & Medium between the lens and specimen, Sample quality & Cone angle of light accepted by the lens & Sample quality, Sample quality & Sample quality & Medium between the lens and specimen Lateral resolution in optical microscopes depends on:

Alla Inga

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