Project Management

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  • Barber & Warn (2005) Firefighters and Firelighters. Transactional/ transformational leadership.
  • Bass & Reggio (2006) Transformational/ transactional leadership. Authentic/ inauthentic (pseudo-transformational) leadership.
  • Crawford & Pollack (2004) Hard and soft projects.
  • Empson, Langley & Sergi (2023) Leadership identities. Collective leadership. Seven leadership identity archetypes (avatar, servant, sage etc)
  • Holmberg & Tyrstrup (2010) Leadership in everyday work. "Well then, what now?". Event-driven nature of managerial work.
  • Karrbom & Hallin (2014) Questions Dichotomy between hard and soft projects.
  • Lindkvist, Soderlund & Tell (1998) Deadlines and concurrent work model. Fountain model. Four different project organisation logics.
  • Manz, Shipper & Stewart (2009) Leadership culture at W.L Gore. Flat organisational structure and emphasis on self management. Promotes concept shared leadership. Ten specific types of leaders.
  • Olaussen & Berggren (2010) Managing high complexity and high uncertainty in high-tech product development.
  • Shenhar (2001) Proposes a typology of projects based on technological uncertainty and system scope. Presents a two-dimensional model that categorises project into four types (systemic, assembly, array and individual)
  • Shenhar, Dvir, Levy & Malta (2001) Project success and multi-dimensional strategic perspective. Four major dimensions of project success.
  • Takeuchi & Nonaka (1986) Six key characteristics of successful product development. These characteristics emphasise a holistic and iterative approach that contrasts traditional, sequential models.
  • Wheatley & Kellner-Rogers (1996) Self-organisation. Three primary domains of self-organisation: identity, information, and relationships.
  • de Mayer, Loch & Pitch (2002) Examines the challenges of managing uncertainty in projects. This paper identifies four distinct types of uncertainty, each of which require different management approaches.

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