Presidential campaigns - Vocabulary

Övningen är skapad 2024-09-09 av Idunna. Antal frågor: 24.

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  • Presidential Campaign The organized effort by a candidate to win an election for the position of president
  • Advertisement A public notice or announcement promoting a product, service, or cause, usually for the purpose of influencing or informing an audience.
  • Candidate A person proposed or nominated for election or a particular position, often in a political context.
  • Democratic Party One of the two major political parties in the United States, typically associated with progressive policies and social reforms.
  • Republican Party One of the two major political parties in the United States, generally aligned with conservative values and small government policies.
  • Positive Marketing A strategy where a candidate or entity speaks favorably about themselves or their achievements to win support.
  • Negative Marketing A strategy that focuses on criticizing or attacking opponents to undermine their credibility or support.
  • Political Consultant A professional who creates political advertisements and strategies for candidates to help them communicate their message and win elections.
  • Persuade To convince someone to do something or believe in a particular idea or course of action.
  • Memorable Something that is easy to remember, often because it is striking or significant.
  • Compelling Something that is convincing or powerful enough to hold attention or provoke interest.
  • Associated with Linked to or connected with something else.
  • Progress Refers to the idea of improvement or development over time in a societal or political context.
  • Stability The quality of maintaining consistency, order, and resistance to change in a societal or political context.
  • In favor of Supporting or approving of a particular idea or course of action.
  • Social affairs Issues and matters related to society and the way people live and interact within it.
  • Small government The idea of minimal government intervention in both economic and personal affairs.
  • Progressive policies Political measures aimed at promoting social reform and advancing the welfare of marginalized or disadvantaged groups.
  • Advocate for: To publicly support or recommend a particular cause, policy, or course of action.
  • Endorse To publicly support or approve of something, often in a political or commercial context.
  • Initiatives New plans, programs, or actions designed to achieve specific goals or address particular issues.
  • Conservative social policies Political measures that prioritize traditional values, social stability, and limited government intervention in personal and social matters.
  • Regulations Rules or directives made and maintained by an authority, typically the government, to control or govern conduct within specific industries or areas of society.
  • Foreign policy A government's strategy and approach in dealing with other nations and international issues.

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