
Övningen är skapad 2019-08-02 av annisss. Antal frågor: 25.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • adjacency pair Automatic sequences in conversation that consist of a first part and a second part producedby different speakers
  • Adjacency pair example Anna: How are you ? Bill: Fine
  • anaphor the word typically a pronoun used to maintain reference to someone or something already mentioned.
  • anaphor example An old man was limning towards us. He slowly came into view
  • antecedent The initial expression used to identify someone or something for which an anaphor is used later
  • antecedent example An old man was limping towards us. He slowly came into view
  • attributable silence The absence of talk when a speaker is given the right to speak in a conversation
  • attributive use Using an expression to identify someone or something without being committed to the existence of an actual person or thing
  • attributive use example the first person to walk on Mars
  • backchannels Vocal indication of attention
  • backchannels example hmm
  • background entailment Any logical consequence of an utterance
  • background entailment example Rover chased three squirrels: Something chased three squirrels
  • Bald on record Orders directly addressed to another
  • Bald on record example Give me a pen
  • cataphora The use of a word typically a pronoun to introduce someone or something that is more fully identified later
  • Cataphora example He slowly came into view. An old man was limping towards us
  • Coherence the familiar and expected relationships in experience which we use to connect the meanings of utterances, even when those connection are not explicitly made
  • coherence example Garage same- means that someone is selling household items from there garage
  • commissive A speech act in which the speaker commits himself to some future action
  • constancy under negation quality of the presupposition of a statement remaining true when the statement is negated
  • constancy under negation example Mary´s dog isn´t cute. Mary has a dog
  • content conditions In order to count as a particular type of speech act, an utterance must contain certain features: A promise must be about a future event
  • context the physical environment in which a word is used
  • Context example the cheese sandwich left without paying. refers to costumer at a restaurant

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