Pragmatics 6

Övningen är skapad 2019-08-07 av annisss. Antal frågor: 23.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • reference an act by which a speaker uses a word or words to enable a listener to identify someone or something
  • referential use using an expression to identify someone or something when the person or thing is assumed to be known
  • referring expression a linguistic form which enables a listener or reader to identify something
  • relation maxim one of the maxims in which a speaker has to be relevant
  • representative a speech act in which the speaker states what is believed or known for example it was a warm sunny day
  • scalar implicature an additional meaning of the negative of any higher value on a scale than the uttered some children, does not apply to all children
  • schema a pre-existing knowledge structure in memory, a school consist of many classrooms
  • script a pre-existing knowledge structure for interpretens event sequences visit to the dentist has a script of specific events in a sequence, visit to the dentist
  • semantics the study of how words literally connect to things
  • sincerity conditions requirements on the genuine intentions of a speaker in order for an utterance to count as a particular speech act
  • solidarity deixis forms used to point to location here, there
  • speech act an action preformed by the use of an utterance to communicate, apology complaint invitation
  • speech event a set of circumstances in which people interact in some conversational way to arrive to some outcome, speakers reach for a cup of tea on a cold winter day
  • structural presupposition part of a structure contains information being treated as already known, words after wh- questions in English are already known to be the case
  • syntax the study of the structures connecting linguistic forms
  • tautology meaningless expression in which one word is defined as itself, business is business
  • temporal deixis forms used to point to location in time, then
  • textual function the use of language in the creation of well formed text
  • Transition Relevance Place TRP A possible change of speaker point in an interaction
  • turn the opportunity to speak at some point during a conversation
  • turn-taking the change of speaker during conversation
  • T/V distinction a distinction between forms of familiar and a non-familiar addressee, Sie und du
  • zero anaphora the abscence of an expression in a structural slot where one is assumed as a way of maintaining reference Mary moved the lawn and then watered it

Alla Inga

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