Possessive Pronouns: Mixed examples

Övningen är skapad 2019-12-12 av MyWa. Antal frågor: 21.

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Alla Inga

  • This book is "min". mine
  • Is it "din" film? your
  • That house is "hennes". hers
  • Is it really "hennes"? hers
  • I assure you, it is "hennes" house. her
  • This is "vår" land. our
  • Is it "vår"? ours
  • "Deras" way is very long. their
  • Is that car "din"? yours
  • Those books are "mina". mine
  • Is is "hans" computer? his
  • Yes, it is "hans". his
  • We will achieve "vårt" goal. our
  • It is really "vårt". ours
  • Can I borrow "din" paper? your
  • That problem is really "deras". theirs
  • "Mitt" problem is not like that. my
  • But it is "ditt". yours
  • "Hennes" books sell worldwide. her
  • She saw "sina" money go up in smoke. her
  • They have "sina" own places. their

Alla Inga

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